自2007 年起多次应邀出访韩国、芬兰、奥地利、美国,德国,法国,荷兰,比利时,土耳其,罗马尼亚,英国,瑞典等国家。全面的演奏技巧和独特的舞台魅力,得到了当地观众及海外华人的高度赞誉,多次应中国文联邀请,共同参于了比利时、芬兰、土耳其等国家的重大艺术节、2016,作为中国艺术团团员,随习主席出访南非,圆满完成了国家的演出任务。
En Song, Graduated from China Conservatory of Music in 2005. He then joined the National Orchestra of China’s National Opera & Drama Theater in the same year. Since 2007, Song has been invited to and performed in countries like Korea, Finland, Austria, America, Germany, France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Turkey, Romania, England, Sweden, and so on. In 2016, as a member of the Chinese Art Troupe, along with the Chinese President Xi, Song visited South Africa and successfully completed the performance.